Modify Reports - Applying a Filter

Using the Filters tab in the header, you can apply a filter to report data so that only specific data is displayed.

To apply a filter:

1.      Click the Filters tab header. The filter parameters are displayed in the activity area on the page, and enable you to define a filter expression.

2.      If you want to add parentheses to the filter expression, select them from the Parenthesis dropdown lists.

3.      From the Filter dropdown list, select a parameter with which to filter the report.

4.      From the Operator dropdown list, select an operator to define the first filter parameter restriction.

5.      In the Operand field, type the value to restrict the first filter parameter.

Note: For example, if the Filter is Charge, the operator is Equal, and the operand is 10.00, the report will display only those charges that are exactly $10.00.

6.      If you want to define an additional filter:

a.    From the And/Or dropdown list, select the AND operator to display data that meets all filter conditions, or select the OR operator to display data that meets at least one of the filter conditions.

b.    Repeat steps 2-5 for the second filter row.

7.      Repeat step 6 for each additional filter you want to apply.

8.      If you want to add more than the default 4 filter rows, click Add Additional Filters. A new filter row is displayed.


§       You can delete additional filters by clicking Remove All Filters.

§       You can continue customizing the report by clicking another tab header, or you can return to the default activity area by clicking the Value Selections tab header.

§       When a specific group or subaccount is selected in the filtering section, only information related to the specific group or subaccount will be displayed and the account summary will include only the specific group or subaccount.

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