Pay Bill - One-Time Payment (OTP)

Submit full or partial payments for an invoice or multiple invoices or, where statements exist, for a statement or multiple statements, using the One-Time Payment (OTP) option.

Each account that is selected for payment must include a financial profile.

Note: Where applicable, the Copy Financial Information function is available only if you have more than one account and allows you to copy payment information from one account into another.

To pay bills for all or selected accounts by OTP:

1.      On the main menu bar, from the Pay Bill menu, select Pay. The Pay – Select Account page is displayed.

2.      In the Pay column, select the check boxes for the account invoices or statements you want to pay.

Note: You can only select rows for which the Amount to Pay column is editable.

3.      Click the No or Yes link in the Financial Information column to create or update financial information. No indicates that there is no information and that you need to create it. Yes indicates that there is information, but that you can update it. For more information, see the section on how to create or update the financial information.

Note: Although gift cards can be used for one-time payments, the gift card information cannot be saved to the financial profile for future use or for automatic payments.

4.      The Pay – Update Financial Information page is displayed.

5.      If you want to view the total amount due per page, click Calculate Total Per Page. The total amount due is calculated for each page.

6.      If you want to change a payment amount, in the Amount To Pay column, type the new amount.

7.      Update the financial information and click Continue. The Pay - Review Payment page is displayed.

8.      Review the payment information.

9.      Click Agree. The Pay - Payment Confirmation page is displayed.

10.  Click OK.

Related Topics

Pay Bill Overview

Pay Bill – Automatic Payment Option

Creating or Updating Financial Information

Bill Summary Overview

Bill Availability

Viewing and Printing Your Bill