Discount Summary

This page displays details of account discounts by service type including discount description and charges, in a specified billing month or date.

To view discounts:

1.      On the main menu bar, from the View Bill menu, select Bill Summary. The Bill Summary page is displayed.

2.      In the Invoice Summary section, click the Discounts link. The Discounts report displays with information based on the most current billing date.

3.      If you want to sort the list according to data in a specific column, click the column name. The data in the list is sorted accordingly, and an arrow next to the column name displays the sort order (ascending or descending). If you want to reverse the sort order, click the column name again.

4.      For basic information about what is on the report page, see Reports Home Overview. To generate a report with greater details, see Running or Modifying a Report.

Related Topics

Account Information in Bill Summary

Invoice Information in Bill Summary

Bill Summary Overview

Working With the Bill Summary Page

View Bill Menu Options