Managing Saved Reports

You can perform the following activities to manage your reports saved in the Saved Report Templates section of the Reports Home page:

§       Run individual reports

§       Run all the reports together

§       Delete a report from the Saved Report Templates section

§       Open a report to update its customized parameters

§       Define parameters to schedule your reports to be run automatically each month

§       Manage folders under which the reports are saved

§       Re-organize the reports defined in the folders


Run individual reports

To run individual reports, do one of the following:

§       To run a report and display it online, click the  Run Online icon.

§       To run a report and display it in MS Excel, the  Run as Excel icon.

§       To run a report and display it in a PDF reader, click the  Run as PDF icon.

The report is displayed in the requested output.

Note: If a report is processed offline, you need to download it from the Reports History page when it is ready. Offline reports are available for download for 45 days after they were generated.


Run all the reports together

You can run all the reports in a given folder together.

To run all the reports together:

1.      Click the folder’s Options button. A popup window is displayed.

2.      Click Run All Now. A success message is displayed.

3.      Click Close to close the popup window.

4.      To view the reports, navigate to the Reports History page.


Delete a report from the Saved Report Templates section

To delete a report from the Saved Report Templates section:

1.      Click the red X next to the report to delete. A confirmation message is displayed.

2.      Click OK.


Open a report to update its customized parameters

To open a report to update its customized parameters, click the report link.

Click here for available customization options.


Define parameters to schedule your reports to be run automatically each month

1.      To define automatic scheduling parameters:Click the folder’s Options button. A popup window is displayed.

2.      From the relevant dropdown list, select the day of the month on which to run the reports.

Note:  The selection of date should be based upon the date that account information becomes available in BusinessDirect eBill.    

3.      From the relevant dropdown list, select whether to use data from the current or previous month.

Note:  The selection of Current or Previous Month should be based upon the date that account information becomes available in BusinessDirect eBill.  

Examples of selecting the correct date and month:

·       If all of a user’s accounts are received in BusinessDirect eBill by the 20th of every month, the user would select 20 as the Date to Run Reports and would select Current Month as the Report Period Selection.  This would run all of the user’s saved reports in their Saved Reports folder on the 20th of each month.  

·       If all of a user’s accounts are received in BusinessDirect eBill early in the month for billing that occurred in the previous month, such as account information is received on the 5th of the month for an invoice that is dated for the 28th of the previous month, the user would select 5 as the Date to Run Reports and would select Previous Month as the Report Period Selection.  This would run all of the user’s saved reports in their Saved Reports folder on the 5th of each month.  

4.      To activate the scheduled reports to run monthly, mark the checkbox. If this checkbox is not marked, the reports will not be generated automatically.

5.      Click Save. The popup window closes.


Manage folders under which the reports are saved

You can add, rename, or delete folders.

To add a new folder:

1.      Click the New Folder link. A textbox is displayed.

2.      Type the folder name in the textbox, then click the Save icon.

To rename a folder:

1.      Click the folder name. A textbox is displayed, showing the original folder name.

2.      Type the new folder name in the textbox, then click the Save icon.

To delete a folder:

You should delete all the folder’s contents before deleting a folder.

1.      Click the folder’s Options button. A popup window is displayed.

2.      Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.

3.      Click OK.

4.      Click Close to close the popup window.


Re-organize the reports defined in the folders

To re-organize the reports defined in the folders:

1.      Click the relevant folder’s Options button. A popup window is displayed.

2.      Click Manage Reports. The Manage Reports page is displayed.

3.      From the dropdown list at the top of the page, select the folder whose reports you want to manage.

4.      To add reports to the selected folder:

a.    In the Standard Reports section, select the required reports.

Note: You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys to make multiple selections.

b.    Click Add>>. The selected reports are displayed in the box on the right side of the page.

5.      To remove reports from the selected folder:

a.    In the text box on the right side of the page, select the required reports.

Note: You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys to make multiple selections.

b.    Click <<Remove. The selected reports are removed from the list.

6.      Click Save.

7.      Click Report Menu to return to the Reports Home page.

Related Topics

Reports Home Overview

Saved Reports

Saving Reports

Bill Summary Overview

Working With the Bill Summary Page

View Bill Menu Options

Report History