Creating Disputes

You can dispute one or more items in a single invoice, or collectively in multiple invoices, for the same month.

You can also dispute one or more items for a single account, or collectively across multiple accounts.

To create a dispute:

1.      On the main menu bar, from the View Bill menu, select the necessary charges page with the charge being disputed. The selected charges page is displayed.

Note: Available charges pages are: Current Charges, Recurring Charges, One-Time & Usage Charges.

2.      Select the Show Dispute Icon checkbox.

3.      Click the Dispute Icon on the right of the line item amount.

Note: In order to create a dispute for a line item, the Dispute Icon must be blue or orange.

4.      The Create Dispute popup window appears. Enter the amount to dispute. The amount must be:

·       Greater than $0.00.

·       Equal to or less than the original charge amount.

Note: You can add new disputes to a previously disputed amount up to the total amount of the original charge. The dispute amounts cannot exceed the amount of the original charge.

5.      From the Dispute Reason dropdown list, select the reason for the dispute.

6.      In the Dispute Description field, type a detailed description of the dispute.

7.      Click Save. The page is redisplayed, with the dispute icon (D) displayed next to the disputed charge. The dispute is now found in Saved Disputes.

Note: Saved disputes will be deleted from the system 6 months from the invoice date.

Related Topics

Disputes Overview

Viewing Saved Disputes

Editing Disputes and Dispute Contact Information

Submitting Disputes

Deleting Disputes

Viewing Dispute History

Adding Notes to Disputes

Filtering Lists