Viewing Dispute History

The View Dispute History page displays a list of submitted disputes and their status. Users can view the dispute history for all accounts or selected accounts.

You can filter the parameters to narrow the scope of the data displayed. Use any of the available filter options including tracking number, dispute status, or dispute reason to define your search results.

You can also filter by specific date or by a date range. You can search up to 16 months of dispute history for an account. Use the available filter options including dispute status or dispute reason to define your search.

To view the dispute history:

1.      On the main menu bar, from the Disputes menu, select View Dispute History. The View Dispute History page is displayed.

2.      If you want to display a specific tracking number, status, account numbers, dispute reason, submitter, or dates, click the All link next to the item in the list. The Dispute Filter popup is displayed. Otherwise, skip to step 11.

3.      To display a dispute by tracking number, in the Tracking Number field, select the number from the dropdown list.

4.      To display disputes by status, from the Dispute Status dropdown list, select the status.

5.      To display specific accounts:

a.    Click the All link next to Account Number. The Account Selection page is displayed.

b.    Select the required accounts.


o      You can search for accounts by typing the first few digits of the account number in the text field and clicking Find.

o      You can select or clear all accounts by clicking the Select All and Clear All buttons.

c.     Click Submit. The Dispute History Selection filter page is redisplayed.

6.      To display disputes by reason, in the Dispute filter popup, from the Dispute Reason dropdown list, select the reason.

7.      To display disputes by submitter, in the Dispute Filter popup, from the Submitted By dropdown list, select the submitter. A value of “care representative” indicates that the dispute was created by an AT&T representative on the customer’s behalf.

8.      To filter the list by start date, in the Dispute Filter popup, click the From Date calendar button and select the start date in the calendar.

9.      To filter the list by end date, in the Dispute Filter popup, click the To Date calendar button and select the end date in the calendar.

10.  Click Apply Selection. The View Dispute History page is redisplayed, showing the details you requested.

11.  To view or update the details of a specific dispute:

Note: If you do not have editing rights for the dispute (for example, you did not create the dispute), you can only view the dispute details.

a.    In the Tracking Number or Dispute Amount column, click the appropriate link. The View Dispute or Edit Details popup is displayed.

b.    Click Close to close this popup.

12.  If you want to sort the list according to data in a specific column, click the column name. The data in the list is sorted accordingly, and an arrow next to the column name displays the sort order (ascending or descending). If you want to reverse the sort order, click the column name again.

Related Topics

Disputes Overview

Creating Disputes

Viewing Saved Disputes

Editing Disputes and Dispute Contact Information

Submitting Disputes

Deleting Disputes

Adding Notes to Disputes

Filtering Lists